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The Disability Sport Wales Programme is a joint initiative between the Sports Council for Wales, the Federation of Disability Sport Wales and the 22 local authorities across Wales.

Matthew Roebuck
Community Officer for Physical Activity & Play

The programme is aimed at developing quality community based sporting and physical activity opportunities for disabled people throughout Wales.

The objectives of the scheme is:

  • To create new clubs and give professional advice and support to improve existing clubs
  • To increase the number of disabled people who actively participate in sports clubs and physical activity sessions
  • To improve the quality and number of coaches and volunteers within disability sport and physical activity through coach education and other systems
  • To create new and further develop existing opportunities for disabled people to compete in sport at local, regional and national level
  • To work closely with the Disability Sport Wales National Performance scheme, ensuring that individuals with potential are given the opportunity to train and, where appropriate, reach their full potential in their sport

Please visit for more information


The insport Club programme is part of the broader insport project, which aims to support the physical activity, sport, and leisure sectors delivering inclusively of disabled people.

Disability Sport Wales know that the majority of adults get to experience great quality sport opportunity within a club environment, and that disabled people may not want to just play sport within a disability sport or impairment specific club or session.

The purpose for insport Club is therefore to support clubs in developing their provision so that it includes disabled people with clubs structures which provide the best opportunities to the community, increase participation and membership, enable larger sections of the community to become involved within a voluntary governance role, and continue to provide great sport across Wales.