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The National Exercise Referral Scheme (NERS) is designed to aid individuals, who have been identified by their Medical Practitioner, to take up the benefits of participating in high quality supervised enjoyable exercise programme to improve health and wellbeing.

Aimed at those over 16 years of age, who are not used to being regularly physically active and have a medical condition, the Scheme is designed to provide opportunities to exercise that are fun, rewarding and that can be incorporated into everyday life.

As that individual, you will receive a 16-week activity programme designed specifically to your needs and will be under the guidance of Ceredigion Actif’s highly qualified Health Intervention Team.

Paul Jones
Health Interventions Coordinator
National Exercise Referral Scheme logo

There are 9 NERS pathways and 2 additional Health Intervention initiatives. They are:

  1. Generic
  2. Falls Prevention
  3. Cardiac Rehab
  4. Stroke Rehab
  5. Pulmonary Rehab
  6. Mental Health
  7. Weight Management
  8. Cancer
  9. Back Care

Additional initiatives:

  1. Pre-diabetes
  2. Frailty

Walking for Wellbeing

Welcome to our Walking for Wellbeing project, an inclusive community initiative crafted to encourage everyone to embrace the joy of walking. Across Ceredigion, from Aberystwyth to Aberporth, Tregaron to Lampeter, and Borth to Cardigan, we invite you to join us on short, sociable walks amidst the picturesque landscapes of West Wales.

Our walks are designed with accessibility in mind, ensuring that everyone, regardless of age or mobility, can participate and enjoy the benefits of being active outdoors. Whether you're seeking gentle exercise, companionship, or simply a breath of fresh air, our walks offer a welcoming environment where you can go at your own pace, surrounded by friendly faces.

Led by our dedicated coordinator, Dawn Foster, our volunteer-led walks provide a safe and supportive space for individuals to connect with nature and each other. Dawn has played a pivotal role in establishing groups across the county and providing essential training for our volunteer walk leaders, ensuring that our walks are accessible and enjoyable for all.

Join us on our next walk and discover the uplifting power of nature and community. For more details and to sign up, please contact Dawn on or call on 07866985753.

This project is funded by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, supported by the Cynnal y Cardi Fund via Ceredigion County Council.

Cynnal y cardi logo
Levelling up logo
Funded by welsh government

Fit for Life:

Exercise classes for older adults that encourage a simple and consistent exercise routine are available at every facility. Circuit, gym classes, walking sports and wellbeing walks are available for participants to try.

Exercise Buddies:

This project aims to support adults with learning disabilities by engaging them in a range of activities that will improve their physical and mental health. The project will ensure that the new activities are built into sustainable projects within people’s own communities. The aims of the project are:

  • enable adults with disabilities to have increased opportunities to take part in weekly sports activities
  • empower young people to have a voice in the design of the sporting opportunities they take part in
  • help people show more understanding and respect for people with differing abilities through advocacy campaigns and inclusive sport projects
  • provide a clear pathway for young people to pursue sporting opportunities after they leave school, ensuring they remain physically active in the future
  • help adults with disabilities and their families to be socially included, not just on the playing field but also within the wider community

Physical benefits

  • The heart and lungs become stronger and more efficient
  • Muscular strength increases
  • Joints become stronger
  • The onset of osteoporosis can be delayed
  • Body fat and excess weight may be reduced
  • Relaxation and sleep might be improved
  • Being better able to carry out the activities of daily living
  • Feeling more alert and energetic
  • Maintaining good posture
  • Helping to normalise blood pressure
  • Reduce risk of developing diabetes
  • A reduced risk of blood clotting
  • Helping to maintain independence, rather than becoming dependant

Psychological benefits

Some comments people have made include:

  • "I feel less anxious and stressed"
  • "My confidence and self-esteem are better"
  • "Being more active helped me to give up smoking"
  • "The activity sessions gave me time for myself"
  • "My wife says I look a lot happier"
  • "I took more responsibility for my own health"

Social benefits

Comments have included:

  • "It was a good opportunity to meet other people who had the same worries as I did"
  • "The sessions made me get out of the house and gave me a new interest"
  • "I made new friends and enjoyed the conversations we had"
  • "I feel much fitter and can play with my grandchildren for longer now
  1. Visit your Doctor's Surgery. If you are eligible, you’re Medical Practitioner or Practice Nurse will complete a 'Medical Referral for Exercise and Consent Form'.
  2. A member of the Ceredigion County Council Health Intervention Team will then contact you to make an appointment for your initial consultation. Your initial consultation will consist of a full explanation of the scheme and a health assessment. 
  3. A programme will then be devised to suit your personal needs. 
  4. Over the 16 weeks, your personal programme may include group or individual activities such as using the Health and Fitness Suite, swimming, aerobics, walking and many more (activities are not on a one-to-one basis).

Contact or call 07812087968.

Our programmes are delivered all over Ceredigion. Our teams work in 3 Hubs: North, Mid & South.

Contact details for the Hub are as follows: